Friday, March 22, 2019

Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic is a 4 player co-op mining game created by Ghost Ship Games, and published by Coffee Stain Studios/Coffee Stain Publishing. In it, you play as one of four unnamed dwarves for the mining company Deep Rock Galactic, and your job is to diggy diggy holes.

And also fight an absolute pissload of monsters.

To start, as I said, there's 4 classes. Digger, who's class special is massive drills he can use to power through rock and dirt, or, if you're impatient, minerals for faster mining. The Scout, who gets a flare gun and grappling hook for proper Spider-Manning about the level to get at things the rest of your team can't reach. You also have the Gunner, who gets a massive fuck-off minigun along with a zip-line creator, to assist the team in moving about. Finally, you have the Engineer, who gets a Platform Gun, for further mobility help, along with LMG Turrets, because what self-respecting Engineer doesn't have turrets? Exactly. Turrets are a requirement for any Engineer class worth their salt.

So, the plot of the game is diggy diggy hole. That's most of it, as far as I've seen. You go to the assignment board, you get a job, you do the job. The jobs can range from Elimination(Kill big thing), to Mining Expedition(Get resources, bail), to Egg Hunt(FUCK EGG HUNT), along with Point Extraction(Left in hole till you get fancy rocks) and finally Salvage Operation(Someone fucked up, go fix it.) Throughout most of these, you'll have secondary objectives, usually acquiring some other form of mineral on the way down. Completing the secondary objective, as with pretty much every game, gives you extra money to buy upgrades with. You'll need upgrades to kill aliens, dig better, have more flares(It doesn't matter, you'll never have enough flares), and fancier armor. You can only have one upgrade per upgrade tier, however, so you'll have to decide which you want. In my case, did I want a flamethrower that had fuel for days, or had sticky flames to properly melt the Glyphids and in some cases, my teammates? 

I went sticky flames, if you were wondering. Anyway.

Of course, you don't need friends to play. There's a way to solo-play in that you get a robot buddy named Bosco who hangs out with you, shoots rockets and machine guns, and even revives you if you go down. So friends aren't required, but still very useful, as Bosco is just one friend, while friends are multiple.

The game's mining areas are procedurally generated, so no two are the same. I'd file that under "good things" because the game, while fun with friends, does get very samey after a while. However, that doesn't stop it from being fun. I've had a blast with it on my stream, and even off stream it's a solid time-killer. It's still in Early Access, and normally I don't like playing Early Access games because they're generally shitshows, but this one's pretty solid honestly. It's worth picking up.

In summation, Deep Rock Galactic gets an 8/10 from me. Worth a purchase, and you can try to blow your friends off cliffs with satchel charges.

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